Site Remediation & Validation Specialists
We have a successful track record of developing remediation strategies that are cost effective and facilitate property transfers and/or redevelopment. We develop validation programs on a site-specific basis.
Our remediation programs target the collection of data that address the key environmental issues of concern, thereby minimising the generation of unnecessary data and needless expense.
Our experience in soil remediation technologies and processes includes but is not limited to:
Excavation and disposal (dig and dump);
Thermal desorption;
Air sparging and soil vapour extraction (SVE);
In-situ and ex-situ bioremediation;
Soil stabilisation and/or solidification;
Hazardous waste impoundment design;
Barrier curtain wall construction and specific engineered solutions;
Soil washing;
Multi-phase extraction;
Sludge processing/treatment/disposal systems;
Contaminated sediment remediation and dredging; and
Chemical weapons and UXO assessment and destruction programs.